Action Plan
Action Plan
Global Emergency Relief
Humanitarian relief is our primary function, and we will excel at it. We aim to be first to arrive at any African emergency, to be one of the first anywhere else in the world, and the last to leave.
Mediation and Protection During War and Civil Strife
Panafaid is poised to provide neutral and sensitive mediation and protection in war and strife, under the Geneva Conventions, and to assist peacekeeping missions.
Refugees Support
It takes good logistics, compassion and sensitivity to help refugees adapt to their situation with dignity. Panafaid will be a constant companion to all refugees on their long journey back to normality.
Advocacy and Pastoral Care
We will offer advocacy and pastoral care to people in crises at home or abroad, such as prisoners, victims of trafficking, slavery, and prejudice, and help them find redress.
Medicine for Development
There are still communities in the world without access to medical support. Panafaid’s answer is a series of free or subsidised community-based health centres for primary care and first aid.
Preventative Medicine and Epidemiological Aid
Panafaid will spearhead inoculation and disease prevention projects, and be a vanguard health provider in all epidemics, alongside the legendary medics of Cuba and MSF.
Ambulance and Paramedical Service
Many countries in Africa and around the globe lack ambulance services. Panafaid aims to facilitate paramedical training and ambulance services in Africa and beyond, with relevant partners.
Psychology, Psychiatry and facilities
We will strive to update attitudes and approaches to mental health, and disability care and education on the African continent, and in similarly under-resourced parts of the world.
Social Intervention
Panafaid is developing schemes to assist the rehabilitation of drug users, prostitutes, and similarly afflicted people, through medical and psychological intervention, education and skill training.
Panafaid promotes the adoption and fostering of abandoned children with disability and learning difficulties, and provides pragmatic incentives and on-going support to that end.
Sanitary Towel Scheme
Sanitary towel poverty os an unspoken problem in all societies. Panafaid will develop partnerships to make sanitary towels freely or cheaply available to underprivileged women wherever possible.
Advice Bureaux
Lack of information on one’s rights leaves a person vulnerable to abuse or neglect. Panafaid will set up free advice bureaux, where needed, manned by volunteer lawyers and trained counsellors.
International Support for the Homeless
We aim to offer homeless people all over the world the unique opportunity of migrating to hospitable places in the developing world, where they can integrate and find gainful employment.
Education: Schools Beyond Walls
Panafaid views education as a human right. We take well-tailored education wherever it is needed, from roadsides to villages, and even inner city areas of developed countries.
Architecture and Infrastructure Relief
Villages and slums are noted for poor amenities and overcrowding, and thus prone to pestilence. Yet slum dwellers feed our cities. This calls for our innovative architectural and civil engineering solutions.
Uniting families
Long after the guns have fallen silent and the flood waters have receded, Panafaid and its partners have the difficult and time-consuming task of finding and reuniting displaced people.
Water Management
Water remains a major problem as communities are racked by the effects of deforestation. We have a set of innovative ideas to reverse this problem, to breathe life into agriculture and health.
Healing the Environment
Panafaid environmental projects, including river rehabilitation, water purification, sewage management, tree planting, provision of green spaces, and critical clean-ups.
Hospital and Education Funds
It is tragic when a person cannot afford the right medical help abroad, and it is sad when a young scholar drops out of school to help feed his family. Panafaid will help mitigate situations actively.
Help for the Aged
The more our older folk lose their ‘wise-person’ roles in society, the worse their material and social wellbeing becomes. Panafaid will help set up day centres, incorporating canteens, for the aged.
Return to the Countryside Drive
People everywhere tend to gravitate to urban centres for work and education, often leaving relatives behind. Those left behind sufffer long periods of loneliness. Panafaid will campaign to reverse this.
Wildlife and Feral life
We take a complex view on animal life, and will develop parallel welfare and health packages for livestock, wildlife and urban strays, including street veterinarian services and wildlife management.
Maritime Outreach and Conservation
We aim to establish modern sea rescue missions along the western and eastern coastlines of Africa, and a systematic maritme conservation and rehabilitation programme.
Africa and The Diaspora Links
Logically, our remit includes expanding Africa’s links with the Diaspora, educationally, culturally and materially, ensuring the celebration of notable African and Diasporans in tangible ways.